Why? Why Not?

Friday, 6 August 2010

          So, I'm back to my infrequent blog posts, and back to the country. Traveling's nice, it's good for you. Try it. Marina's not considered traveling. Marina sucks. Too boring, too typical, and everyone goes and stays there for extended periods of time. Boring much? Don't get me started on how the humidity makes your hair stick to the nape of ur neck. Just don't.
          I'm actually posting this particular post because my only 4 readers have all promised to pay me for it. Maybe I should just ask for an exorbitant gift, such as, hmm, ear wax from people who carry the direct lineage of the original human races as they divided one by one from the main African ancestor. Fresh ear wax. Direct descendants too, mind.

         I recently bought this book called Guns, Germs and Steel. Regardless of its content, for some reason I can't help but think about how much more pleasant the title would sound with an alliteration.  It's called an alliteration, right? how about Guns, Germs and Gangsta Groove? Guns, Germs and Ganja? Guns, Germs and Goliath? Guns, Germs and Gacob Glack? (sorry, that was the only way I could let it fit in, sorry Team Edward ladies).

         One thing I never quite got the hang of at gyms. Why are all the weights large and made of steel? Can't they make smaller sized weights packed with high density material to crete high weights? or is it the fact that putting seemingly-large weights on helps give athletes a psychological boost?

          Seriously? Irish coffee?

          No idea why I just typed that, I swear.

          Akon must be the biggest asshole in the history of hip hop. When rappers talk abuot women, they talk only vaguely, they do't promise women money and love and whatsnot, but Akon, Akon promises each girl the world, then moves onto another girl in the next song with different promises, then goes out to talk about peping at the neighbour. Serious. Issues.

           When  hear the Forrest Gump quote "Life's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get" I keep on wondering why the hell didn't anyone bother to read the ingredients or product escription on the back of the box.

I fire my laser beam, you scream, 
Your suit shuts down, your gun stops firing,
You stop wearing moisturising cream, it might seem,
It's all over, Laser Tag is no longer inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. 1. It does have a description at the back, it's what you're studying at medschool.
    2. Akon is a twat. There I've said it. Are you making a face?
    3. You want to be paid with ear wax? Do you have the slightest idea how much that hurts? Unless you're opheliac, I refuse to believe you actually asked for that sober. 7atta with the native chick image you drew. Eh dah, I just realised there weren't any chicks. Oh my god, who are you and what have you down to Ismail?
