Why? Why Not?

Monday, 14 June 2010


        So, I'm back. Just finished my "Behavioural Sciences" exam, which is a pathetic attempt by the Psychiatry department to introduce ethics into the curriculum in an overall pathetic attempt to earn recognition for Cairo University Medical school among its fellows abroad. One problem, isn't the fact that it is STILL not recognised a major indication that everyone is stupid and everything is screwed up despite every feeble attempt they try? Never mind.

        You know you're in trouble when your music player shuffler gives you a recording of Anatomy class and you keep on listening to it for 10 minutes before realising that this goes against human nature. It's anatomy, people, so yeah, switched to Eluveitie. Nil is a good song. T.I playing now, and I need to know if he talks to his mama with that horrible accent, and more importantly, whether his mama actually understands what he has to say or not.

       Out of all the charming topics available for discussion that fall under the header of "Interesting Enough to be Actually Worth My Time" I chose the "Mineral Resources of Greenland and the Results of its Partial Separation from Denmark" to discuss. Apparently there's more to the topic than you'd actually think.

        The cat is scratching himself behind the ear, and he's doing it in a way that makes it look so easy, so enjoyable, with the way he closes his eyes in enjoyment as the annoying feeling subsides. Lucky cat.

        Well, that's all for today, just thought I'd drop y'all a line or two, keep in touch and all. And remember, the game's called "Simon Says" for a reason. Toodles.

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