Why? Why Not?

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Blog Header Creation

          What up Cairo? I've been really mad at the poor innocent header I had on top of my blog. I mean, it's not its fault it's so boring and pathetic, it's mine, so I decided to remedy that like all good surgeons do: cut, slice, chop, then discard and replace. After three photoshoping attempts, three people working on ideas and plenty of hours which I'll regret not using for anatomy letter when my sorry ass realises the error of its ways, I've come up with this horrible masterpiece you see before you, or technically, you will if you scroll right up.

          So, yeah, seeing as I'm not really in a blogging mood, I'll end this post here, just thought I should pass a couple of shouts out to those who, well, deserve tribute:

-Here's a shout out to my cat who has tolerated with patience all the mockery and ridicule I throw upon it. Thanks for being so patient and not returning the favour, outloud. You know I only do it because I love you? Yeah, didn't think it'd work either.

-Here's a shout out to everyone who's bothered to live, and put up, with the pain that is myself, and this extends to my sister, my bedside table, my cellphone, my faithful PC, the cat, the fridge and my (resigned sigh) parents.

-This one goes out to the excellent people at CBS who keep Barney Stinson's blog updated, and yes, smartass, there really is a blog.

-I'd like to reserve a shout to the three dudes who thankfully keep any negative views on my various endeavours, theories or means to maintain my line of thought and style of life, quiet and to themselves: Mahmuod Bondok, I told you you should have taken that AS chemistry exam, but hey, guess what, you didn't, I did, and I think you got the better end of the equation, and funny thing is, I'm not even begrudging, as long as, well, you know what's your favourite quote is out of all those listed in your facebook profile. To  Abdelrahman El Magharbel whom I doubt would be reading this blog, thanks for teaching me the importance of very loud music and for your usual phrase "law 3ayez tet5ane2 f ay wa2t kallemny", because I know that if I do call, you'll let me down with a gentle and totally buyable excuse, which is much more than most people would provide. To Andrew Middleton, thank you for putting up with my moaning on a regular day basis, even though you cheap ass colonist need to raise your average word count per sentence, as well as your average sentence count per hour. 2 is not enough, homeboy. Oh and dude, go to the gym, it'll do you good with the cuties.

-This one goes out to all the ladies out there whom I've pissed out for some reason or another. Ladies, you know I only do it cause I love y'all, don't you? Still not buying it? Well, since my secret superpower is getting people really really mad, I'd like to give you a (shudder) kinda apology thingie, for, you know, everything. If we meet again, we'll pretend this conversation never took place.

-Last but not least, this one goes out to all ma coma people, and I'd like y'all to know, by the time you read this, you won't have missed anything important, and, well, it's all cool, like it's always been, and, well, if it had to happen, it had to happen. Respect.

          Finally, I'd like to close this blog post with one line I've pondered on lately :"If women are Broads, does  that mean we can call men Narrows?"

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